Below are some samples of my web and graphic design work. Some pages have had a new look and content makeover recently so check them out.
Right now several of the older reference material has been forwarded into new web spaces.
Until I have the time to update this enjoy of the links that work.
There is a buzz about this:
and this:
cd design:
until the revamp

Kevin Purcell (launched in 2006/relaunched in 2011, refreshed in 2017/ now rebuilt with the the new Gutenberg block backend editor in 2020)
This is Kevin’s personal website with an active blog life focussing mainly on orchestral matters.
Web build and design, Header design and web site maintenance

The Mapmakers Opera (launched in 2008/now reinvented)
The show premiered at the New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF) in July of 2014 as one of only ten official selections chosen by a Grand Jury of Broadway professionals for full production.
This was a very resource rich site. The site has since been rebranded in 2017 under a different name. It is now ‘officially retired’.
Web build and design, Header design, Logo design, Banner design for Kickstarter campaign and web site maintenance

Update: The new site is now here (relaunched late 2017/now rebuilt with the the new Gutenberg block backend editor in 2020):
Web build and design, Art direction on the header/banner, transition of the old valued content and web site into a new site in wordpress and web site maintenance.

Kaleidoscope Books (launched in 2014)
Kaleidoscope Books is a small family business that specialises in bilingual children’s story books, multicultural children’s books and children’s books on family and community diversity.
Update: This business has now been sold to: Yarn Strong Sista.
Web build and design, Header design, Implementation of WooCommerce

The Australian Discovery Orchestra (launched in 2015/now rebuilt with the the new Gutenberg block backend editor in 2020)
‘The Australian Discovery Orchestra is providing 68 exceptional musicians, from all over the country, the opportunity 2 – 3 times per year to come together to perform repertoire combining classic masterworks, lesser-known but important pieces, and the chance to shine a light on inspiring Australian music.
The ADO is committed to orchestral innovation in the 21st Century and forging entirely new ways of engaging with audiences around the world.‘.
Kevin and Janine rock! Every season of the ADO is uniquely different and it’s focus is often on works which have never been performed on stage before. Go see a great performance in Melbourne.
Web build and design, Logo design and web site maintenance

Quill & Quaver Associates LLC (launched in 2012, refreshed in 2017/now rebuilt with the the new Gutenberg block backend editor in 2020)
Quill & Quaver Associates LLC is a music and theatrical entertainment creative design company based in New York. They create new works for traditional stage presentation, as well as theatrical storytelling for digital sharing.
Web build and design, Logo design and web site maintenance
Nan Schwartz & Brenton Broadstock – Orchestral Music
CD cover art direction (2018)
Original art: ©Kouichi Chiba
Artwork design: ©Chris M. Stevens (
‘Amazing artwork to work with’

16 Stories (CD to be released in 2019)
What happens when you ask 16 of the best American Musical Theatre writers going around to each contribute one song from a musical they have written – and never previously recorded for commercial release – for a new album by the Australian Discovery Orchestra and Embark on a global search to find 16 vocalists for each song on the album through a worldwide vocal competition – to both appear on the album and on the accompanying music videos –
and learn about their individual stories
CD cover art (2018/19), web banners (various sizes) all designs and graphic material provided for an e mail blast and promotion on and social media campaigns (various companies).
The ADO facebook page ,
will keep you updated on this project.

Castle Gillian (launched in 2017)
With permission granted by the Estate of Maurice Walsh for the first time since the 1960s for a musical stage adaptation of a story by the famed Irish author, Kevin Purcell (music) and Victor Kazan (lyrics) have teamed up with one of Australia’s most successful and inspiring authors, Steve Vizard (Book & Lyrics) to bring this remarkable and heart-warming love story to the stage.
I was fortunate enough to engage one of my former drawing mentors from my studying time in the us.
An absolute performer he came out of retirement to help me and Castle Gillian out.
Thanks Ed Gazi.
Web build and design,web site maintenance

The Man With 100 Faces (to be launched)
The Man With 100 Faces is the world’s first combined transmedial and live-performance music theatre work. Designed for multi-platform narrative, this dramatic entertainment moves audiences into a blurred fictional-reality world between WWI and present day.
The storyline and interactive elements move seamlessly between part augmented-reality game, part social-media conversation, part video curated performance and live theatre action.
Web build and design, Header design, Logo design and web site maintenance.